That extra customization won’t happen during the current expansion.

Blizzard has also stated the designers intend to keep expanding character customization as the game continues. This was a big undertaking for Blizzard, one that was made easier by the fact that Shadowlands doesn’t have a new player class like the Demon Hunter or Death Knight, both of whom have special cosmetic effects and armor sets. The patch between the end of Battle for Azeroth and the official start of Shadowlands was full of new customization options, like scars, eye colors, haircuts and colors, skin tones, jewelry, eyebrows, tattoos, and ear options for elves. It wasn’t about an upcoming raid, a statistical imbalance, or the design of any of the classes - instead, the answer was about character customization.

World of Warcraft’s BlizzCon Q&A panel is a good way to wrap up loose ends from the show’s big announcements and twists, but one answer has ignited a firestorm of controversy among the game’s fans.